What Nurses Are Saying:

April has spent the past three years working closely with nurses to help them achieve their financial dreams, are you next?


Nurse Valene has gained the confidence to manage her own investments...

Valene felt lost with budgeting, unsure of where her investments were going, and overwhelmed by the stock market. But after joining the NurseMoneyDate® Mentorship, everything changed. She gained the confidence to take control of her finances and developed a healthier, more balanced relationship with money. Now, Valene urges every nurse to consider this journey. While she initially thought the cost might be high, she quickly realized it was an investment in her future. Valene is incredibly grateful to April and the team for guiding her through a transformative experience that reshaped her entire approach to finances and life.

Valene l IR Nurse


Nurse Mara is on track for early retirement and is building generational wealth...

 Mara, a nurse from California, transformed her financial life through the Nurse MoneyDate® program. Before joining, she and her husband had no clear plan for their finances, but the program helped them become confident in investing, stay on budget during vacations, and organize their finances. Mara praises the nonjudgmental, structured approach and the genuine support from April and her team. Now, they’re more secure in their early retirement plan and have gained lifelong financial tools they can pass on to their son.

Mara | Labor & Delivery Nurse


Nurse Tiffany is free from analysis paralysis and is now confidently making financial decisions...

Tiffany, after completing her mentorship with NurseMoneyDate® gained the knowledge and confidence to take control of her finances. She was able to consolidate her credit card debt into a manageable interest rate and develop a clear plan to become debt-free. The program’s bite-sized, easy-to-digest modules, which relate financial literacy to nursing, helped Tiffany overcome her "analysis paralysis" and make informed financial decisions. She describes April and her team as a supportive, encouraging presence that guides you toward your financial goals, empowering you to take your finances to a higher level.

Tiffany | Cardiac Nurse


Nurse Jo has found peace by conquering her debt fears...

Jo, was struggling with managing her credit card debt, feeling overwhelmed by the constant pressure and fear of falling deeper into it. She knew she needed to clear her debt before focusing on investing and planning for the future, but she didn’t know where to start. That’s when she found April at Nurse Con and discovered NurseMoneyDate® Mentorship. With April’s guidance, Jo learned how to tackle her debt head-on and developed a clear plan for her financial future. Now, Jo is on her way to a debt-free life and is excited to begin investing with confidence. She encourages every nurse to take that first step, knowing that the investment in NurseMoneyDate® was a game changer for her future.

Jo | ER Nurse


Nurse Iris has increased her credit score and is making her money work for her...

Iris transformed her financial mindset and knowledge through the Nurse MoneyDate® program. Initially drawn in by April’s unique approach of relating investing to nursing, Iris gained the confidence to understand and manage her finances. The program helped her set up a high-yield savings account, boost her credit score, and embrace consistent money dates. April’s organized and supportive course was instrumental in guiding Iris to a stronger financial future.

Iris | Travel Nurse


April helped Nurse Practitioner Derrial negotiate a higher salary and more vacation time...

Before joining Nurse MoneyDate®️, Derrial struggled to balance her finances while still finding time to spend with her daughter. Through the program, she learned how to invest wisely and has seen a huge reduction in the stress around money at home. Derrial feels more confident now and has even successfully negotiated both her salary and vacation time, giving her more freedom to enjoy life with her daughter. She loves how Nurse MoneyDate®️ has made money conversations simpler and more productive, helping her set solid financial goals for their future and empowering her to pass on this knowledge to her daughter.

Derrial | Family Nurse Practitioner


Nurse Cherry has learned how to pay herself first and finally has control over her money...

Cherry, a recent graduate of the Nurse MoneyDate® Mentorship Program, describes it as the best program she’s ever joined. Through the program, she gained control over her finances, learned to pay herself first, and became confident in her ability to invest wisely for a comfortable retirement. The mentorship has empowered her to take charge of her money and future.

Cherry | ICU Nurse


Nurse Sarah had a life-changing experience...

Sarah experienced April's coaching and saw a profound change in her and her husband's financial life. They had always struggled with communicating about money, leading to confusion and fear. April helped them understand each other's perspectives on money and align their individual goals. She then created a personalized plan that empowered them to manage their finances confidently and save for the future. Thanks to April's guidance, they now feel well-equipped to handle their money together. Sarah highly recommends April to everyone!

Sarah | Community Health Nurse


Nurse Practitioner Traci has increased her net worth and is managing her own investments...

Tracy transformed her financial confidence and knowledge through April's mentorship. Initially intimidated by the stock market and unsure of where to start, Tracy learned to manage her own investments, increase her net worth, and reduce debt. She now feels well-versed in topics like ETFs, index funds, and IRAs. Tracy highly recommends this tailored, resource-rich program to anyone looking to change their financial mindset and achieve their goals.

Traci | Nurse Practitioner 


Nurse Cynthia has grown so much and is finally focused on the "big girl" decision that matter most...

This program has been life-changing for me. April's calm and supportive approach makes a world of difference. She promised to meet people where they are, and that meant so much to me, especially as we all come from different financial starting points. The tools and resources she provides have empowered me to make confident financial decisions and see real progress. I'm excited about the growth I've experienced and how much more aware and active I've become in managing my finances. April's genuine care and the supportive team she's built make this program truly special.

Cynthia | Peds CVICU Travel Nurse


Nurse Cyndia has reshaped her financial mindset so now she's able to actually pay off debt...

Cyndia, who was deeply in debt before joining Nurse MoneyDate®, found the program transformative in reshaping her financial mindset. The program provided her with the tools to manage her income and expenses, pay off debt, and save for emergencies. Cyndia emphasizes the importance of accountability and consistency, noting that the program not only guides you but also builds confidence in managing finances independently. For anyone looking to make lasting financial changes, Cyndia highly recommends taking the plunge with Nurse MoneyDate®.

Cyndia | Case Management Nurse


Nurse Hermeet isn't living paycheck to paycheck anymore...

Hermeet had tried to manage her finances with other coaches and programs but found little success. When she discovered April, she immediately noticed a difference. April’s approach was personalized, and after understanding Hermeet’s goals, she created a tailored financial plan. Before working with April, Hermeet had no experience in self-managing her investments, but now she feels much more confident, especially after opening a Backdoor Roth IRA with Fidelity. April taught her about the stock market, ETFs, and effective income management. The detailed budgeting system April introduced helped Hermeet find new ways to save money. She highly recommends April to other nurses, appreciating how each offer is specifically tailored to their needs. Hermeet has no regrets about working with her.

Hermeet | Adult Travel Nurse

Nurse Mika is finally excited about her financial future...

"I started this process out SO SCARED!! I was nervous to have someone see how much debt I had and tell me that I overspent on small things, but this was nothing like that!! April taught me healthy habits to help me check in with my money and understand how and why I spend it! I feel more comfortable looking at my accounts now and feel like I have a better grasp on my financial future! I’m now excited about my finances and my financial future while still living a comfortable lifestyle!"

Mika | ER Travel Nurse

Nurse Monica putting her money to work...

"April and I went on a money date about investing. I had such an amazing experience and am so happy because I learned so much. Navigating the investing world is hard with so much terminology to comprehend. April broke everything down with graphics so that I could easily follow along and ask questions. As a nurse, the best part was the information was specific to nurses. She taught investing concepts using real nurse income numbers and scenarios. Plus, she coached me on ways to invest given the time I realistically have as a busy nurse. I would recommend anyone to meet with April and talk about investing!”

Monica | Pediatric Float Nurse


Nurse Katie finally feels in control of her money...

"This was everything my husband Mitch and I needed. April broke down complex ideas and systems in a way that was much easier to understand. We felt that we had no idea where our money was going and how we were spending it, but now feel in charge of our money and investments. She meets you where you are in your financial journey. We feel like we understand how and when we can retire while also enjoying how we live in freedom now."

Katie BSN, RN | Corporate Nurse

Nurse Stephanie already made her money back, and then more...

“April has helped me understand my financial wellness and ways to improve it. I feel like I have a realistic plan of what to do next. By investing in her program, I’ve saved thousands of dollars. The most surprising thing about the whole experience was how easy it was to understand the information. I wish I had completed this program sooner!”

Stephanie | Pediatric Emergency Room Nurse

Nurse Christy had clear steps and knew exactly how to achieve her goals...

"I can’t stress enough how much April's programs have helped me! My prior knowledge of managing finances was very limited, and I didn't know where to start when thinking about budgeting, saving, or investing for the future. April was such a great teacher and coach. I ended up feeling so much more informed and in control of my finances. April is so passionate and knowledgeable about these topics. I had clear next steps and a foundation of knowledge and resources to use going forward. So grateful for April and everything I learned!"

Christy | Utilization Review Nurse

Nurse Connie has started her financial freedom journey...

"Initially, I was very nervous to look at my finances because I didn’t want to change my lifestyle. With her program, I could maintain my lifestyle while working towards financial freedom. With her coaching and teaching system, she helped me become more knowledgeable about finances. Most importantly, I gained accountability for my finances which has led me to start my financial freedom journey. I did not know much about money before this, but April has given me all the resources and tools to start. I am truly grateful and appreciative."

Connie | OR Travel Nurse

Nurse Lyanne improved not only her finances but also her money psychology...

"I had been anxious about my financial wellness and was nervous about working with April because I thought it would worsen my anxiety. However, her program helped me both financially and emotionally/psychologically. Not only do I feel more knowledgeable about my finances, but I also feel more confident about where I'm at financially. Her teaching style accommodated my learning style, and the system she laid out for me was what I really needed. She is both professional and easygoing in that I never felt pressured or nervous talking to her about anything. She is accommodating to my needs; she always takes time to work around me and with me in my goals. Overall, I'm glad I participated in this program and would definitely recommend it to others, especially nurses!"

Lyanne | Adult Tele Nurse

Nurse Dana is on track for financial freedom...

"As an OR nurse, balancing my hectic schedule with personal growth often felt like an impossible task. Initially skeptical, I joined the Wealthy Nurse Mentorship program, fearing I wouldn't have the time to engage fully. But, oh, how wrong I was! April's program rekindled my interest in financial education and guided me towards the elusive goal of financial freedom.

What sets this program apart is not just the high level of coaching and personal attention – which far exceeded my expectations – but the unique blend of community learning and individual feedback. April's comprehensive approach, combined with the insightful contributions from fellow nurses, turned every session into a treasure trove of 'Aha!' moments.

The worksheets are nothing short of a revelation. Each one, meticulously crafted, builds on the last, forming a cohesive blueprint for lifelong financial health. They're not just assignments; they're stepping stones to a solid financial future. April's thoughtfulness shines through in the pacing and relevance of each task, tailored to the busy lives of nurses like me.

This mentorship is worth every penny and more. It transcends traditional financial advice, delving into 'money psychology' and empowering us to craft a future that aligns with our deepest values and aspirations. April's wisdom doesn't just guide us; it equips us to make informed, strategic decisions independently.

I entered the program hoping to enhance my financial knowledge but emerged with a comprehensive toolkit for financial resilience. As I move forward, I'm not just aiming for early retirement; I'm equipped for it, thanks to the solid foundation April has helped me build.

To my fellow nurses on the fence about joining, let me be clear: this experience is transformative. April's mentorship is an investment in yourself that pays dividends well beyond your finances. It's a journey to empowerment, confidence, and, ultimately, financial freedom. Thank you, April, for this invaluable gift."

Dana | OR Travel Nurse

Nurse Kyra would pay for the program all over again..

"As a nurse navigating the complex landscape of healthcare, I've always prioritized the well-being of others. However, when it came to my financial health, I felt lost and overwhelmed. That all changed when I decided to embark on a journey with the Wealthy Nurse Mentorship program. Initially hesitant due to the investment, my decision was propelled by encouragement from my family, and it has since been one of the best decisions of my life.

The level of coaching and personal attention in this program has not just met but exceeded all my expectations. Entering the program with uncertainty, I was met with a supportive environment where no question was too small, and every concern was addressed with depth, empathy, and insight. The non-judgmental and comprehensive responses helped me build confidence and trust, transforming my approach to financial management.

The value I've received from this mentorship far surpasses the cost. It's not just about the financial education; it's about altering your life trajectory. The mentorship has enabled me to unearth hidden investments, reallocate resources effectively, and adopt sustainable spending and saving habits. I've been able to save and invest money in ways I never thought possible, reshaping my relationship with money towards one of empowerment and control.

To anyone considering this mentorship, especially my fellow nurses who often neglect their financial health for the sake of others, this is your wake-up call. This program is more than an investment in your financial future; it's an investment in your peace of mind and overall life satisfaction. I not only have I fundamentally transformed my financial practices, but I have also unlocked a level of self-assurance and foresight I never knew I possessed.

Thank you doesn't quite cover the gratitude I feel, but I'll start there. Thank you for the kindness, the wisdom, and the life-altering perspective shifts. This mentorship has not only changed my financial landscape but has also instilled in me a newfound confidence and clarity. I am endlessly grateful for this journey and excited for what the future holds."

Kyra | Remote Nurse

Nurse Christina finally has direction and clarity with your finances...

“As an OR nurse, my life is fast-paced and requires constant attention to detail. Before joining April's financial coaching program, I felt overwhelmed and directionless with my finances. But this changed dramatically once I started working with April. From the beginning, I was impressed by her holistic approach to finance. She not only addresses the numbers but also how they intertwine with other facets of life, including our past experiences with money.

The coaching calls have been a revelation. April's support is unwavering and personalized, providing me with practical tools and strategies to reshape my financial future. I've particularly benefited from her system of organizing accounts with clear purposes, which has been transformative. This structure has allowed me to make significant strides towards my financial goals, imparting a sense of control and peace I hadn't felt before.

April's ability to connect and understand the unique challenges we face as nurses has made all the difference. She's more than a coach; she's a mentor who has guided me to a better relationship with money, helping me build solid, sustainable money habits.

If you're a nurse feeling lost or overwhelmed by your financial situation, I cannot recommend April's coaching program enough. Her comprehensive support and tailored approach have not only helped me achieve my financial goals but have also provided a foundation for continued success and well-being. Thanks to April, I am no longer lost. I have clarity, direction, and, most importantly, confidence in my financial future

 Christina | OR Nurse

Nurse Joyce has a clear path to increasing her income...

" Embarking on the Wealthy Nurse Mentorship was the initial step in confronting the financial uncertainties that hindered my progress for years. Acknowledging the need for change and actively seeking it has been my greatest win. Over the past three months, my transformation has been profound yet gradual. My approach to money has evolved from passive to proactive, guided by newfound knowledge and practical tools provided by the program. I've shifted from impulsive spending to a more deliberate, needs-based approach, reflecting deeply on each purchase. This change in mindset has been a pivotal element of my growth, illuminating the path to financial stability.

Looking ahead, my journey doesn't end here. The worksheets and lessons from the mentorship will remain integral to my financial strategy. My future financial dreams have never felt more within reach. Eliminating debt, increasing my income through side hustles, and nurturing my investment portfolio are no longer distant aspirations but now tangible goals. Envisioning a comfortable retirement is now more reality than dream.

The most invaluable lesson? Consistency and discipline are the cornerstones of financial success. Knowledge and resources are futile without the commitment and sacrifice necessary to actualize them. This mentorship has not only equipped me with the tools but has instilled the discipline required to forge a path to financial freedom.

The program has been incredibly beneficial, fostering hope and providing a structured approach to managing my finances. The journey to paying off debt and growing investments is daunting, yet I'm equipped with the strategies to navigate this path. The remaining challenge lies within myself – embracing patience, consistency, and hard work.

Thank you, April, for your guidance, patience, and the transformative experience. Your mentorship has been instrumental in my financial awakening. While there's still work to be done, the progress I've made is undeniable. I look forward to continuing this journey, armed with the lessons and confidence gained through this invaluable program."

Joyce | Correctional Nurse

Nurse Nayeli was anxious but is now watching her money grow...

"I started coaching with April feeling anxious about my finances, spending money to feel better, and terrified of investing. In just the first ten pages of her ebook, I learned more about money than I had in my entire life. But after just three months, I've experienced a complete transformation. April's coaching helped me spend money wisely, save confidently in a high-yield account, and begin investing with knowledge and ease. I even started planning a side hustle to increase my income.

April's program is manageable, even with a busy nurse's schedule. Her video calls and support made me feel prioritized and understood, fitting perfectly into my life without overwhelming me. She addressed my individual learning style and empowered me to make significant changes without judgment.

Investing in this coaching was a decision for my future, my family, and myself. I was hesitant about the cost at first, but now I see it as an invaluable investment in my personal and financial growth. I feel successful, prepared, and excited about my financial future. If you're motivated to change your financial life, I couldn't recommend April more. Her coaching it's an investment in a brighter, more secure future."

Nayeli | Med-Surge Nurse


Nurse Connie has started her financial freedom journey...

"Embarking on the Wealthy Nurse Mentorship was a significant turning point in my life. I've always been dedicated to my profession, but when it came to financial knowledge and confidence, I was admittedly at a loss. This program represented my commitment to confront and transform my financial habits, and it has been a journey filled with both challenges and triumphs.

Starting this mentorship was my initial victory. It signified taking control and making a deliberate move towards financial improvement. Despite the constant pressures of time and a hectic schedule, my dedication to showing up and putting in the work has been my greatest win. This endeavor has reignited a sense of personal agency over my finances that I thought I had lost.

Over the last three months, I've witnessed a gradual but impactful transformation within myself. My approach to spending has become more mindful and intentional. The once impulsive purchases have now turned into thoughtful decisions, reflecting a newfound respect for my financial wellbeing. The mentorship has equipped me with valuable tools and knowledge, empowering me to navigate my financial journey with confidence.

As I look to the future, my journey doesn't end here. I plan to continue leveraging the strategies and worksheets from the program to sustain and enhance my financial growth. My goals are clear: to pay off my debts, increase my income through side hustles, and build a robust investment portfolio. With the foundation I've established, these dreams are not just aspirations; they are attainable realities.

The most profound lesson from this experience has been understanding the power of consistency and discipline. Achieving financial success is no different than reaching any other goal; it requires unwavering commitment and sacrifice. Thank you, April, for your guidance, patience, and unwavering support. This mentorship has not just been about financial education; it's been about discovering a strength and determination within myself that I never knew existed. I look forward to continuing this journey and reaching new heights, thanks to the solid foundation you've helped me build.”

Connie | Tele Nurse

Nurse Jocelyn had a life-changing experience...

"Joining in on the Wealthy Nurse Mentorship with April like flipping the switch from financial insecurity to peace. I stepped into this program with what I would describe as kindergarten-level financial literacy, but now, I stand proud, feeling like I've accelerated to a solid grasp of financial fundamentals. The shift from confusion to strategic money management has been nothing short of transformative.

My journey through this mentorship has been marked by significant milestones - from setting up a high-yield savings account to mastering the art of sinking funds. I've evolved from a passive observer of my finances to an active, intentional steward of my wealth. The clarity worksheet provided in the program has become my financial compass, guiding me back to calmness and focus whenever the seas of money management become stormy.

The sense of community within the program, surrounded by a group of empowering women all committed to financial wisdom, has been incredibly inspiring. This camaraderie, coupled with April's unparalleled guidance, has fostered a nurturing environment where my financial confidence could flourish. Looking ahead, my aspirations are high but grounded in the solid foundation laid by this mentorship. My dreams of purchasing an investment property and revitalizing my social media side hustle are not just fantasies but planned goals within reach, thanks to the discipline and strategies I've acquired.

One of the most profound revelations from this experience is the understanding that financial health, much like physical or mental health, requires intention, care, and ongoing nurturing. This mindset shift has liberated me from previous fears and resentments towards money, opening the door to a future where financial independence is not just possible but expected. Rating this program anything less than a perfect ten would be an understatement. It has revolutionized my understanding and relationship with money, setting me on a path that my parents never had the chance to walk. The weekly check-ins and the constant flow of feedback and encouragement from April have been invaluable. Her positive reinforcement and adaptability have made all the difference in maintaining momentum, even when life's obligations pulled me away.

In essence, the Wealthy Nurse Mentorship has been a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change. I entered this program overwhelmed and undereducated, but I'm leaving it empowered, educated, and eager for the financial journey ahead. Thank you, April, for not just showing me the path but walking alongside me every step of the way."

Jocelyn | Travel Nurse

Nurse Carlee finally has the financial peace to be able to sleep at night without stress...

"Before working with April, I was overwhelmed with my finances. Despite making good money, I felt stuck, struggling to manage credit card debt, and unsure how to effectively plan for retirement. April's coaching was a game-changer for me. Her approach is structured yet flexible, reminiscent of nursing school, making it manageable despite my hectic schedule as a nurse. The content was digestible, with short videos and actionable worksheets that made learning about finances less intimidating.

April's coaching style is nurturing yet accountable. April’s effectiveness in guiding me towards my financial goals is unquestionably 1000%. She encouraged me to look deeper into my spending habits and helped me understand the value of intentional spending, which transformed my approach to money. I also gained confidence in managing my investments, learning about expense ratios, and the importance of aligning my retirement funds with my personal goals. Most importantly, April provided a space for honest, judgment-free conversations about money, which is rare in our profession. Her daily and weekly support made a significant difference, allowing me to reach out with questions and concerns, making the whole process feel personalized and focused on my unique situation.

If you're a nurse feeling anxious about your finances, I can't recommend April's coaching enough. On a scale of 1 to 10, my satisfaction level is an absolute 10/10! This program surpassed all my expectations and outshone any other coaching I've experienced before. The clarity and peace of mind I've gained are invaluable. Taking that leap of faith with April was one of the best decisions I've made for my financial wellness and overall well-being. You can't put a price tag on financial peace. This journey with April has given me just that – invaluable financial peace and a clearer path forward."

Carlee | Travel Nurse





Know Your Worth

Are you curious about your financial health and want to gain a better understanding of your net worth? As a nurse, you work hard to take care of others, but it's also essential to prioritize your financial well-being. This quiz is designed to help you do just that!

The "Know Your Worth" quiz is a comprehensive tool that will guide you through calculating your net worth. It includes questions about your income, expenses, assets, and liabilities to give you a clear picture of your financial standing.