hosting a nursing event?

Invite me as a guest speaker.

Spice up your nursing event with something different. 

What will really take your nursing event to the next level is having a presentation about financial literacy specifically for nurses. 


  • A personalized presentation based on your group's specific area of financial interest 
  • Q&A session so that there is no confusion about topics discussed 
  • Financial education is delivered specifically in a way nurses can comprehend 
  • Topics can include debt-payoff, budgeting, saving money, increasing income, & investing
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Invited By North Park University's Student Nurses Association 

A personalised presentation tailored to the biggest concerns of nursing students such as debt payoff and managing a high income as a new nurse. 

Why do nurses need this?

Nurses are struggling to improve their financial health because... 

  • financial health is not prioritized in our nursing school curriculum or during hospital orientation
  • our nursing educators also are struggling, thus perpetuating the cycle of poor financial health
  • nurses have limited time to learn about money, and the financial industry made the process of learning the basics a challenge
  • when nurses do try to learn, they get overwhelmed by the confusing content 
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Invited By Nurse Ashli, Founder Of Asthetic & IV Fusion RN

A custom presentation foucused on the finances of leaving corporate and bedside nursing to transition into running a mobile aesthetic business as a nurse entrepreneur. 

You can't wait because...

The longer nurses wait to improve their financial health, the harder it becomes to build wealth. A little knowledge goes a long way; it can translate to hundreds and thousands of dollars saved by avoiding costly financial mistakes

This is a unique speaking event because... 

  • This nursing-specific financial education transforms overwhelm into confidence by leveraging the skills nurses already possess.
  • Includes actionable steps that are easy to implement where it's *realistic and sustainable* for any busy and tired to get started.
  • I am a certified financial education instructor & have five years of experience as a nurse, this duo is powerful for creating an engaging and transformative event. 
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Know Your Worth

Are you curious about your financial health and want to gain a better understanding of your net worth? As a nurse, you work hard to take care of others, but it's also essential to prioritize your financial well-being. This quiz is designed to help you do just that!

The "Know Your Worth" quiz is a comprehensive tool that will guide you through calculating your net worth. 


