listen to what your fellow nurses have to say

Client Reviews 


Nurse Hermeet is finally putting her money to work confidently in the stock market...

"I've tried on two separate occasions in the past couple of years to figure this out finances on my own with other coaches/programs. When I came across April, I saw she was different. I really like how she supports you specifically as an individual. After learning my goals, she tailored a personal financial plan for me. Before April, I had no experience self-managing my investments. I feel more confident now, especially after we opened a Backdoor Roth IRA inside Fidelity. I learned about the stock market, ETFs/index funds, and, more importantly, how to manage my income. The budget system she taught me was what I needed, and the level of detail allowed me to recognize areas where I could save more money. I highly recommend her especially since she tailors all of her offers for nurses. I have zero regrets working with her."

Hermeet | Adult Travel Nurse

Nurse Mika is finally excited about her financial future...

"I started this process out SO SCARED!! I was nervous to have someone see how much debt I had and tell me that I overspent on small things, but this was nothing like that!! April taught me healthy habits to help me check in with my money and understand how and why I spend it! I feel more comfortable looking at my accounts now and feel like I have a better grasp on my financial future! I’m now excited about my finances and my financial future while still living a comfortable lifestyle!"

Mika | ER Travel Nurse

Nurse Monica actually understands how investing works...

"April and I went on a money date about investing. I had such an amazing experience and am so happy because I learned so much. Navigating the investing world is hard with so much terminology to comprehend. April broke everything down with graphics so that I could easily follow along and ask questions. As a nurse, the best part was the information was specific to nurses. She taught investing concepts using real nurse income numbers and scenarios. Plus, she coached me on ways to invest given the time I realistically have as a busy nurse. I would recommend anyone to meet with April and talk about investing!”

Monica | Pediatric Float Nurse



Nurse Sarah had a life-changing experience...

"April has changed our lives! My husband and I have always had a hard time communicating about money, and there has been a lot of confusion and fear on both sides about where money goes and how to use it. April helped us understand how each of us felt about money and what each of us wanted first and then helped us figure out what we wanted together. Not only that but then she created a plan that we could use to understand money and save for the future. We feel so well equipped to use this plan on our own to be confident in knowing where our money goes and how to plan for our future together. We are so grateful to April and recommend her to everyone!"

Sarah | Community Health Nurse

Nurse Katie finally feels in control of her money...

"This was everything my husband Mitch and I needed. April broke down complex ideas and systems in a way that was much easier to understand. We felt that we had no idea where our money was going and how we were spending it, but now feel in charge of our money and investments. She meets you where you are in your financial journey. We feel like we understand how and when we can retire while also enjoying how we live in freedom now."

Katie BSN, RN | Corporate Nurse

Nurse Stephanie already made her money back, and then more...

“April has helped me understand my financial wellness and ways to improve it. I feel like I have a realistic plan of what to do next. By investing in her program, I’ve saved thousands of dollars. The most surprising thing about the whole experience was how easy it was to understand the information. I wish I had completed this program sooner!”

Stephanie | Pediatric Emergency Room Nurse

Nurse Christy had clear steps and knew exactly how to achieve her goals...

"I can’t stress enough how much April's programs have helped me! My prior knowledge of managing finances was very limited, and I didn't know where to start when thinking about budgeting, saving, or investing for the future. April was such a great teacher and coach. I ended up feeling so much more informed and in control of my finances. April is so passionate and knowledgeable about these topics. I had clear next steps and a foundation of knowledge and resources to use going forward. So grateful for April and everything I learned!"

Christy | Utilization Review Nurse

Nurse Connie has started her financial freedom journey...

"Initially, I was very nervous to look at my finances because I didn’t want to change my lifestyle. With her program, I could maintain my lifestyle while working towards financial freedom. With her coaching and teaching system, she helped me become more knowledgeable about finances. Most importantly, I gained accountability for my finances which has led me to start my financial freedom journey. I did not know much about money before this, but April has given me all the resources and tools to start. I am truly grateful and appreciative."

Connie | OR Travel Nurse

Nurse Lyanne improved not only her finances but also her money psychology...

"I had been anxious about my financial wellness and was nervous about working with April because I thought it would worsen my anxiety. However, her program helped me both financially and emotionally/psychologically. Not only do I feel more knowledgeable about my finances, but I also feel more confident about where I'm at financially. Her teaching style accommodated my learning style, and the system she laid out for me was what I really needed. She is both professional and easygoing in that I never felt pressured or nervous talking to her about anything. She is accommodating to my needs; she always takes time to work around me and with me in my goals. Overall, I'm glad I participated in this program and would definitely recommend it to others, especially nurses!"

Lyanne | Adult Tele Nurse


Know Your Worth

Are you curious about your financial health and want to gain a better understanding of your net worth? As a nurse, you work hard to take care of others, but it's also essential to prioritize your financial well-being. This quiz is designed to help you do just that!

The "Know Your Worth" quiz is a comprehensive tool that will guide you through calculating your net worth. It includes questions about your income, expenses, assets, and liabilities to give you a clear picture of your financial standing.


